Sponsor A Child
When you sign up to become a sponsor, your support will go to a child who has been identified as not having access to education
Student Sponsor

Sakib khan (11yrs)
Class: Fifth
Aspirations: Soldier, because he wants to protect his country

Imran (7Yrs)
Class: Second
Aspirations: Soldier, because he wants to protect his country

Mohd. Shahid (11 Yrs)
Class: Sixth
Aspirations: Soldier, because he wants to protect his country

Mineudhdin (10yrs)
Class Sixth
What do you aspire to be and why? - Doctor, he wants to save life

Asdul (11yrs)
Class: Third
Aspirations: Soldier, because he wants to protect his country

Mala (12Yrs)
Class: Sixth
Aspirations: Soldier, because he wants to protect his country

Class: Sixth
Aspirations: Doctor because she wants to make her parent proud

Amina (10yrs)
Class Third
Aspirations: Doctor, because she wants to treat I'll poor people

Class: Seventh
Aspirations: Soldier, because he wants to protect his country

Basiron Nessa (11Yrs)
Class: Fourth
Aspirations: Teacher. She wants to teach the illiterate people.

Musida(8 Yrs)
Class: Fourth
Aspirations: Doctor, because she wants to treat poor people for free

Ashmima (8 Yrs)
Class: Want to go to School
Aspirations: Doctor because she wants to make her parent proud

Mozid khan (6 Yrs)
Class: Want to go to School
Aspirations: Soldier, because he wants to protect his country

Mamir (8 Yrs)
Class: Second
Aspirations: Soldier, because he wants to protect his country

David (9 Yrs)
Class: Fourth
Aspirations: Soldier, because he wants to protect his country

Sultan ali(7Yrs)
Class: First
Aspirations: Doctor because she want to treat ill people

Ariful islam(10 Yrs)
Class: Third
Aspirations: soldier,because he want to protect his country

Asmina(11 Yrs)
Class: Third
Aspirations: Doctor because she want to treat ill people